Since 1986 M.E.C has been building and maintaining traffic control systems in the NYC/NYS region. With our 30+ years of experience we are able to satisfy your transportation needs from signals to ITS.

Uniquely Qualified For Your Traffic Project Needs

Melissa Verdoni

Melissa Verdoni


Melissa has worked in the traffic control industry for over 25 years and has been involved in various traffic control and ITS projects in the area.

Products Available

Reach Out To M.E.C.

Office Location:

4150 Dunroamin Road
Unit 14
Wall, NJ 07727




Stocking Supplier, Open To Public

Open For Sales:

Monday-Friday- 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Hours Of Operation:

Monday-Friday- 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Contact M.E.C.